Project phases

The main characteristic of our approach is that we work very closely with client management and the client’s organisation to implement practical and measurable improvements. We utilise and build on the existing experience within the organisation and contribute new knowledge and techniques. While our goal is to deliver measurable results, our task is to guide and instruct our client’s management and employees, and to support the organisation in taking ownership of new practices and procedures. We thrive on bringing efficiency and continuous improvements to our client’s organisations.

Based on our extensive experience, we believe that change should come from within the organisation. That is the Mantec-way of running projects and, consequently, our methodology does not require any major shift in strategy, technology or large investments.

The methodology has three distinct phases; Analysis, Implementation Project and Follow-up. The methodology that Mantec has developed is based on our accumulated experience from more than 500 change and improvement projects.

The basics in the Mantec methodology are to create an understanding and to implement.

  • Process focused improvement work
  • Continuous improvements
  • Management Control System

In the analysis phase, we define the current status perspective and establish improvement potentials, which of course are reviewed with the management. Our experience is that all analysis identifies gaps between goals and the actual business Processes, Systems, Organisation and Personnel (PSOP).

At the end of the analysis phase, a project plan for the realisation of the potentials is developed together with the client.

Project philosophy

What distinguishes a Mantec project is that we engage with our clients’ management and staff to implement changes that produce lasting improvements. Mantec’s strength is to bring about changes in activities and behaviours that deliver sustainable and measurable improvements.

It is essential to emphasise the importance of the clients’ involvement and commitment in the project, especially in designing the solutions. It is easier to gain acceptance of change if the ideas come from within the organisation itself and it strengthens the client’s ability to continue to manage change programmes on their own after the project is completed. All the work in a Mantec project is carried out with the client’s management and staff.

Project management

In our experience, the key to a project’s success is structure, involvement and commitment. Mantec projects are managed through various means and toll gates to ensure that the project reaches the mutually agreed objectives. This is achieved using a well-structured and planned process comprising Start up, Implementation and Closure stages.

Project methodology

The project methodology is the driving force of a Mantec project. With clearly defined phases, the various sub-projects are guided through the process. The phases include decision points to ensure ownership of the proposed changes. The major steps in a sub-project could include 

  • Planning
  • Mapping
  • Problem description
  • Problem solving
  • Implementation
  • Follow-up

Our experience has taught us that a systematic and consistent, no-nonsense approach, yields results. Another vital factor is the commitment of the client management. There is a proverb, recorded as early as 1175 in the Old English Homilies, which says “you can lead a horse to water, but one cannot force him to drink”. Without management commitment to change, one can never reach a company’s full potential.

To achieve lasting improvements in productivity and/or profitability, it is essential to meet an organisation’s educational and training needs. In addition, we need to establish and ensure the necessary understanding of the implemented changes. This ensures that the clients can then continue to manage ongoing improvements themselves. Training involves practical sessions, combined with practical coaching and leadership training in the workplace.

The Management Control System is central in a Mantec project and provides the management with the information needed to control and run the business “on a daily basis”. The Management Control System is implemented early in the project and is constantly improved throughout the project.

Report or action?

Good advice should not be neglected, but there is a major difference between giving advice and implementing change. Most of our clients have more than enough old reports full of good advice.

At Mantec, we carefully design our projects to add sustainable value and implement a client-customised platform for continuous improvement. The implementation phase is specifically designed to anchor the changes within the operational area in focus.

During the first year (or longer if agreed), Mantec carries out compliance audits and reviews to ensure compliance with processes and procedures, and to facilitate further development of processes. This includes evaluating the organisation’s level of compliance with the implemented changes. Any deviations are reported and corrective actions are agreed.

Ordinary consulting projects tend to leave out what we believe is the most important part of the project: the operational organisation. As much as 80%-90% of business costs are controlled here and, most of the time, this is where change really delivers improved performance and enhances the bottom line. This is where we maintain our focus.



Mantec has a straightforward and clear guiding principle; our job is to deliver added value to our clients. This will not be achieved simply by studying an organisation from the outside over a six-month period and then deciding what “magic” three-letter acronym to choose.

To succeed, the work needs to be done within the organisation, with the help of the people who perform the daily tasks. By working collaboratively with the client and applying our own proven and hands-on methods, we create bespoke solutions that meet the unique needs of that organisation.

Our capabilities

  • Change Management 
    In partnership with client personnel we establish the basis for a sustainable environment of continuous improvements.
  • Cascading performance goals
    From time to time it is healthy to go back, define and review the core business. It is necessary to develop clear and understandable goals and cascade them through the management levels, always ensuring they are clear, achievable and understandable for everyone in the organisation.

  • Cross-organisational communication
    A common reason for failure is lack of constructive communication and follow-up. Mantec has helped numerous organisations to implement a powerful Management Control System with clear and fast communication as a cornerstone.
  • Implementation of new methods and processes
    With hands-on methods to visualise the improvements step by step, the gap between the “as is” stage and “to be” objective is defined.

What are the effects?

Monetary effects

An average Mantec project substantially increases production throughput by 10%-22% given the same resource input. One could then of course also keep the same production throughput, and instead have a similar decrease in resource inputs. Since we began, we have provided more than 800 million euros in added value to clients.

Our solutions deliver greater efficiency to our clients’ operations. Few organisations have the internal insight to accomplish an optimised working environment by themselves. Efficiency is increased by identifying and addressing non-value-adding time and activities. This is at the heart of a Mantec project.

Our success is built upon our ability to deliver excellent results. A Mantec project will give, on average, a three-fold return on the original investment, depending on the client business and size.

Organisational effects

We bring relevant KPIs and a follow-up structure to every level of the company. Consequently, this means that we help our clients develop objectives to suit every organisational level, all the way from the top management to the first line supervisor.

Attitude, engagement and commitment ensure long-term prosperity. We put people to work with the right focus in mind, and many Mantec clients have perceived a higher level of personnel engagement. People understand what parameters or KPIs effect their output and that their work is important to the success of the company.

Employees often perceive structure for following up development as positive. Everyone must know what is expected of them and, at the end of their working day, they should know whether they have met the goals and expectations.

The implemented improvements, which bring reduced costs and/or increased revenues, improve our clients’ financial performance for many years after a project is completed. The learning organisation always strives to develop and improve its operations, and it thrives on continuous improvement.

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